Tech Wish List Spring 2020

Although the world is very different some things do not change. I still want to buy tech things. Now that I am spending way more time at home I want to start all different kinds of projects and hobbies. I have convinced myself these are some cool things to buy. Or maybe not buy. I’m still vacillating.

Photo by OVAN

Photo by OVAN

Nintendo Switch, $299.99

Nintendo Switch lite, $199.99

Back in the day, I was obsessed with my Gameboy. I took it everywhere and played Pokemon all the time. Now that I’m seeing everyone play Animal Crossing I want in on the action. My Gameboy was a gift so I’m sure the pricing is comparable, but adult me is telling me that this is not the move. I’m going to do more research about other games I can play on it before I make a decision and get it. I’ll probably get the lite version if I do get it.

Logitech C922 Webcam, $99.99

Now that my YouTube channel is growing (click here to subscribe) I want to start streaming from my channel. So one way I was thinking of doing it was with a professional webcam. A brief search of the best web cameras, this one was on every list. The only drawback is that a lot of people are price gauging for the webcams so going live on YouTube may be a dream deferred. At least until the prices come down.

Yeti USB Microphone, $129.99

In order to stream I would also need really sold sound. I don’t want it to be difficult to hear for people viewing the live stream. To remedy that, I want a usb microphone. The most popular usb microphone is Yeti. So many people use them so I assume they must be good. I want to do more research, so I’ll take any recommendations on USB microphones.

Apple TV, $149.99

I heard someone YouTube say “Apple TV is better than Roku and Firestick!” In real life, I haven’t heard anyone say they like Apple TV. I know that there are some specials shows and what not but is it really that good. I already have a Firestick so I’m not sure if it makes sense to have both. I’m definitely going to do more research on this though.

Peel Super Thin iPhone Case, $29.99

Peel case is the best phone case of all time. This case lasted for 2 years. I have never had a phone case that last 2 years. I’m hoping the first case wasn’t a fluke and that the second one last just as long. If it lasts I’ll definitely make a video.

Brother Mobile Scanner, $109.99

Since I have been staying home I’ve noticed I have so many paper documents. All kinds of documents that I should scan and have stored in my computer but I don’t.