Apps I Can't Live Without

My phone helps me to achieve wildest dreams. From growing my YouTube channel, to communicating with my family, and even paying all my bills. I can do it all through my phone. I feel like every person has different apps that they love and use every day. Social media, productivity, and all of the other things need to get done in the palm of our hands. These are my favorite apps that I use multiple times a day.

Photograph taken by Janitors.


My girls and I are always cutting up in GroupMe. I can't think of a better app for a group chat. I've tried WhatsApp and the functionality is not the same. GroupMe has GIFs and photos on deck at all times. Your favorite meme is already in there and it's so easy to use. The interface is beautiful and clean. Everyone needs a group chat for the rough days it absolutely helps.

Apple Music

I commute every day and music is what helps me through. I downland my playlist and when the train goes in the tunnel I still have all my music. If you have an iPhone, Apple Music is better than Spotify. It's worth the $10 a month I promise.

Citizen App

So many random things happen in the world that affects your life and you don't even know. This app will let you know all the police activity happening around you. Robberies, shootings, accidents, building collapses and hundreds of other things you need to know about what is going on around you. It can help you avoid being caught in some already happening mess.


I don't go to any restaurant without checking the Yelp reviews. I want the inside scoop, I want to know the best dish, and I want to know the best time to go. I promise I'm not a control freak but I don't want to miss out. FOMO is real y'all.


Everybody needs to stop sleeping on LinkedIn. Real connections and opportunities are on this platform. Whether or not you are looking for a job or not, LinkedIn has so many great tools to help you grow your career. Also, people share so many helpful insights and inspiring stories you'll learn something new every time you open the platform.

photo credit: Janitors Apple iPhone X via photopin (license)