Tech Gadgets Wishlist: Summer 17

Happy Summer! I hope you are enjoying yourself as much as I am and I am excited about all the new tech gadgets I’ve been hearing about. As someone who likes to shop in general, I’m looking forward to getting some new tech toys that will make my life easier. Here are some of the gadgets I’ve had my eyes on.

Life is better when everything is connected. 


Phiaton BT 390 Black Wireless Headphones with Mic, $79.99

After losing my Beat headphones on the train, which I’m still upset about, I need a new pair of headphones that do not cost over $200. The most important features to me are that they look attractive and have Bluetooth capabilities. The Phiaton BT 390’s look sleek and stylish. Since they just came out, I’m waiting to see what the reviews say before I purchase them. In general I have heard great things about Phiaton products so I am interested in trying the brand out.


FitBit Alta HR all black, $179.95

My FitBit Flex has been working well for me over last 7 months. However, after seeing the new Alta HR I want to upgrade. Having to wait for my phone to sync with my Flex in order to see how many steps I’ve taken has become more of a process, as my FitBit has gotten older. I really wish I were able to look down, tap, and easily see the number on the screen. Also, it would be nice to keep track of my heart rate during my workouts. The price is the main reason why I’m sticking with my Flex for now, but I’m hoping the new Alta HR will be on sale by Black Friday.


Peel Super Thin iPhone 7 Plus case, $24.99

I hate my phone case. I purchased it back In December when I first got my phone. It’s the Tech21 clear and gray case and I only purchased it because I didn’t want to leave the Apple store with a naked new phone. I was first looking into getting a Speck case, but then I saw how beautiful and sleek the Peel case looked. I’m going to read a few reviews to see what people really think about these cases before I choose which one to go with. The most important factors to me are that it does not cause any damage to my phone and that it is protective. I really like the white case though.


Phone Soap 2.0, $49.95

I do not clean my cell phone enough. Compared to how often I clean other items I use everyday, it makes sense why experts say your cell phone has more germs than a public toilet seat. In order to take a step in the right direction I’m considering purchasing the Phone Soap 2.0. On an episode of Shark Tank a few years ago, is when I first saw this snazzy invention that cleans your phone while you charge it.  The only reason I haven’t actually purchased it is because I am nervous about the long-term effects it may have on your phone. Since my iPhone 7 plus cost over a thousand dollars (after tax and Apple Care), I don’t want to do anything that may shorten its life.


Amazon Firestick, $39.99

Everyone I know that has purchased a Firestick from Amazon has instantly fallen in love with it. They are able to watch so many of their favorite shows and movies that some have even cancelled subscriptions services like Netflix and Hulu. Although I don’t see anything coming between my Netflix, and me, I am intrigued about the idea of more shows and movies.


photo credit: UWW University Housing Patched In via photopin (license)