A Review: Fitbit Flex 2

“New year, new me” is probably one of the top 5 most annoying clichés ever, however I must admit I have fallen victim to using this mantra. As a part of the many Christmas gifts I bought myself, I purchased a Fitbit Flex 2 tracker in December 2016. My mom and sister already had Fitbits and I wanted in on the action.

My Fitbit Flex 2

Since I already wear traditional watches, I wanted a fitness tracker that I could wear along with my watch. I didn’t want an actual smart watch, which is why I choose the Flex 2. I needed a tracker and app that would help me stay motivated to workout and track my progress. For $60 you can get all the fitness features that you’re probably looking for.

After 6 months of using this tracker everyday, I am thoroughly impressed. Although I have gained back some of the 20 pounds I lost last year, my Fitbit always helps me regain my focus and be mindful off my fitness goals. It provides you with comprehensive information that you don’t even think about, but is so helpful.

If you thought that the Flex 2 only tracked steps, your wrong. In addition to tracking steps, it reminds me to move, measures when I’m being physically active, and tracks my sleep and tracks swimming.   

Another benefit to using this style of tracker is that it is much easier to maintain then a smart watch. From one charge my Flex 2 has lasted 4 days. The band is easy to clean and the entire tracker is waterproof. In the initial package the tracker comes with the actual tracker component and a plastic wristband. You can also put the tracker in a bangle or pendant, which are sold separately.

The app is free and easy to use (I have only used the iOS version).  The most surprising new information I learned is that not only do I not get enough sleep, but also I am only getting on average 4 hours of sleep.

I would recommend this as a great entry-level fitness tracker because it is perfect for everyone. The Fitbit Flex 2 will track your steps and so much more. This would actually be a great gift for Father’s Day or a recent graduate.