Spring Wishlist 2017

Spring is right around the corner and it’s time to give my beauty products a reboot. This spring I want to try new makeup products and become more adventurous with my look. Here are some of the goodies I have my eyes on.  

Origins Modern Friction Nature’s Gentle Dermabrasion, $39.50

Stepping up my skincare routine is a top priority for me in 2017. Since I love to wear makeup on a daily basis, it is imperative that I take excellent care of my skin. Already, I’ve upgraded my cleanser, toner, mask, and serum to help improve my skin but I don’t have a facial exfoliator. I used to use philosophy’s micro delivery but the last time I tried it I had an allergic reaction.

I currently use Origins charcoal mask and in the past I really liked their checks and balances cleanser. I’ve never had an allergic reaction from using Origins products, so I’m excited to try this exfoliator.

Sigma Essential Kit Mr.Bunny, $179

After all these years of wearing makeup I never bought a complete set of makeup brushes. Usually I only get one brush at a time, but now I think I’m ready to make an investment. A couple of years ago a purchased a kit of Sigma eye brushes and they are still my favorite brushes. I’m hoping this set of brushes will help fill in the gaps in my collection.

Smashbox Photo Finish Primer Water, $32

Primer water is something I never tried before so I am curious to see how it works. If I don’t use serum and moisturizer immediately before I start to apply my makeup, then my face will have dry patches in certain areas. In order to have the best makeup application you should start with moist skin so it will look great. Powders and pigments can cling to dry spots and make your face look fake. 

Origins GinZing Refreshing Eye Cream, $30

The dark circles under my eyes are becoming a problem. Before I could just cover them easily with a little foundation or concealer. However, now I have to use color corrector and concealer just so they are not seen. I think this product will help ease the blue color and dryness under my eyes. The ginger so close to my eyes makes me a little nervous, but hopefully it will work out.

Bite Beauty Bite Lush Lip Wipes, $12

My lips are so dry. I constantly have to apply lip balm and exfoliate my lips. When I’m close to a restroom I can easily address these problems but on the go, it can easily become a mess. This lip wipes seem like quick fix the help my struggling dry lips. Hopefully these can make changing lipsticks (especially matte lipstick) on the go a much simpler process. 


