Can makeup mess up your skin?

One of the many negative things that people have to say about makeup is that it will mess up your skin. Although some people may experience irritation after using certain products, makeup doesn’t mess up your skin. Still trying to figure out what is causing your skin problems? It may be one of these common skin issues that so many people struggle with.

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Sun damage

The bad news is that over time exposure to the sun (without SPF protection) can cause wrinkles and brown spots. The good news is that you can prevent this from happening by wearing a SPF greater than 15 daily. If your skin is already showing signs of sun damage you can exfoliate to improve it’s texture, bleach brown spots to lighten them, or get laser treatments in order to correct leathery feeling skin. Bleach and lasers should only be used under the direction of a board certified dermatologist. Also limit the amount of time your body is in the direct sunlight. Wear a hat or sit underneath an umbrella inside of lying out in the sun.


If you have never had acne I seriously envy you. What causes acne is oil production, dead skins cells, clogged pores, and bacteria that can’t be avoided. The best preventative steps to keep acne at bay are washing your face, keeping your makeup brushes clean, limiting junk food, and limiting stress. If can avoid it don’t put makeup over acne. Covering your acne may make it worse and may cause it to take longer to heal. I have had success with getting rid of mild acne using Neutrogena products. Also, using oil free makeup and skincare products can help too.


I personally have never had Rosacea, but I understand how it can be a problem. A quick fix would be to cover it with a full coverage foundation or concealer. Permanent fixes include medication and laser treatments.

Dry skin

In general, dry skin has a completely different texture compared to moisturized skin. Skin that is dry feels rough and bumpy when you touch it and has a visibly different texture. To keep your skin moist, drink plenty of water and use a moisturizer. Ideally, you would have one moisturizer for day and one for night.

For more information about these skin issues, check out this videos: