A Review: Upgrade Boutique Body Wave Bundles

I have been searching now a new weave company for the last couple of years and I think I have finally found what I am looking for. Upgrade Boutique has been the talk of social media lately so I wanted to try it.

Let’s talk pricing. Each 26-inch bundle is $155. I purchased 5 bundles during the Black Friday sale. After 20% off, the total was $620. Shipping was $10. The price is fair for virgin hair and now that I have worn the hair for 2 months I feel it is worth the money.

In my unboxing video for this hair, it was soft and had no foul corn chip odor. I originally purchased 5 bundles of 26-inch hair to create my U-part wig. I felt the wig was still thin, so I added an additional bundle to complete the wig. The ends of this hair weren’t dry and the luster is a perfect match for relaxed Black hair. My favorite thing about this hair is that it looks so bouncy and healthy.

I will be following up with a 6-month and 1-year review so stay tuned.