Wish List Winter 2019

Happy New Year! I personally had an amazing 2018. It started off challenging, however, it ended on a high note. Wish lists are my favorite post to write so I wanted to start the new year off with one. For Christmas, I bought myself some pretty expensive gifts. So it may be spring before I buy any new makeup. But a girl can dream!


photo credit: blavandmaster Polarity to cool down via photopin (license)

Eczema Honey Original Natural Healing Cream, $29.95

I have always struggled with my skin. Countless trips to the dermatologists, all kinds of steroids cremes, and continuously googling home remedies have left me desperate to try anything. I like the idea that this product is natural. The only reason I haven't purchased this yet is that I have dermatitis, not eczema. Also, a lot of internet reviews say it doesn't work but I'm going to do some more research.

Josie Maran 100 Percent Argan Oil Mini, $17.99

At the beginning of the argan oil trend, I used to go to Sally's Beauty Supply and buy the One and Only knock off Morrocan oil products. I used to love putting that stuff in my hair but even the fake version was more than I wanted to spend on hair oil. Since I have very dry skin I'm thinking I can use argan oil as a shower oil before I apply my lotion. This stuff is expensive so I'm not sure if this was a habit I want to start. We'll see.

Hourglass Caution Extreme Mascara, $29.00

Now that I'm over my individual lash extension phase (if you missed this check out my YouTube Channel) I need a new mascara. Getting used to baby lashes again has been hard but the glue on the extensions was itching too much. I love Hourglass' powders and highlighters so I'm sure their mascara is great.

Too Cool For School Egg Cream Mask, $6.00

I have never tried a sheet mask (insert audible gasps). The idea of having an allergic reaction all over my face always stopped me from trying the latest skincare. This mask claims it's for sensitive skin so I'm thinking about trying it. I'm not sure what will happen, we'll see.

Boscia Soft Foot Peel, $20.00

The winter months are when my feet are the driest. I do still get regular pedicures however the bottom of my feet are still dry. My feet need some extra love in the winter so I am looking for products I can use at home to help keep them moist. I heard a lot of good things about Boscia products on YouTube so I'm excited to see what they are all about.

What beauty products do you want to try in the new year? Leave your answers in the comments below.