7 Skincare sins you’ll regret years from now

One of the best feelings ever is when your skin looks amazing. You feel more confident and you start racking in the compliments. Having great skin takes perseverance and time. However, if you habitually commit any of these 7 skincare sins, you will never reach your goal. Keep reading to learn what you need to change in order to finally have the skin you always wanted.   

Love the skin your in! This photo: Unruly by nigelelli0tt

Love the skin your in! This photo: Unruly by nigelelli0tt


Not using SPF

SPF is not just for the beach. Unfortunately, most of us do not learn this until we have already had years of sun damage to our skin. Whatever parts of your body are going to experience prolonged sun exposure; they should be covered in SPF 35 at least.

Every day your face is exposed to the sun so you should find a facial moisturizer that contains some kind of SPF.


Leaving your skin dehydrated

Great looking skin is moisturized skin. In order to achieve that “glow” you will need for your skin to be hydrated. There are two major components to making sure your skin has moisture. One is drinking plenty of water. The second is using lotions and serums to hydrate your face.

When is comes to water, most of us are not drinking enough. You should be drinking half you weight in ounces of water. That means if you weight 150 pounds you should be drinking 75 ounces of water a day. Not only will you feel the difference, but also your skin will look so much more vibrant.

In addition to drinking an adequate amount of water, you’ll need to use a facial lotion or serum. It is important that the product you use is especially designed for the face since the skin on your face is different from the skin on the rest of your body. Also, make sure the formula suits your skin type. For example, if you have oily skin use an oil free lotion.     


Popping pimples

As much as I love watching Dr.Pimple Popper’s videos, you should not start popping the pimples on face. Keep in mind that she is a medically trained dermatologist and you are not. If you need your pimples extracted, go to a professional to minimize the risk. 


Not washing off your makeup

We have all done this unfortunately. Going to the gym with your eyebrows filled in. Going to sleep with all of your party makeup on. It may seem innocent but the affects can be extremely damaging.

Whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples are just a few negative effects of not washing the makeup off your face. In the long run, it will cause damage to your skin. Even if you are not wearing makeup, by the end of the day your face is covered with oil, sweat, and pollutants. So, just remember to wash your face before you go to bed.


Only worrying about acne

Acne is probably the most popular skin concern among women. Whenever someone asks my advice about skincare it usually pertains to acne. How can I stop acne? How do I get rid of acne scarring? Using products specifically for acne can help clear your condition but that is not the only thing you should be focused on.

Making sure your skin is in good condition will help your acne to heal faster. When you go to your dermatologists, don’t just discuss your acne. Ask about best practices for your skin type, product recommendations, and lifestyle changes you can make to improve your skin. Dehydration and excess oil are also very important factors to pay attention to especially when it comes to skin that is prove to breakout. And be patient, your skin will not clear overnight. These things take time.


Not learning about your skin type

Like many other industries, the skincare industry follows new trends based on new products and what customers are looking for. Whether it’s a mask or makeup, every type of product is not good for your skin and it is very important that as a consumer you are conscience of that.

If your skin is already oily then you probably don’t need facial oil. Dry skin people shouldn’t use drying makeup setting sprays. Instead of jumping on the newest and most popular products, do your research. In the long run, using products that are not compatible with your skin will cause damage.


Putting dirty things on your face (phones, makeup brushes etc.)

When was the last time you cleaned your phone screen? Exactly! Everyday we put dirty things on our face not thinking at all of the bacteria transferring to our skin. Pillowcases, cell phones, headphones, sunglasses and anything else that comes in contact with your face should be cleaned regularly. Makeup brushes, are another culprit that if not cleaned can cause negative effects for your skin. What is the point of washing your face if you’re going to start off your day putting dirty objects on it?

photo credit: nigelelli0tt Unruly via photopin (license)